jueves, 12 de marzo de 2015

Panrico involve consumers in the creation of the next “Donette”

Donettes, brand owned by Panrico, has launched a new online initiative to develop and promote the digital conversations with their fans basically a young audience, with high presence in the digital world.
The first major action of this new strategy is called: #HackeaTusDonettes. Under the slogan 'You want to be the creator of the next Donette?’ Where the brand invites hers fans to work with her to create a new version of the product.
So, until next March 31, consumers can design their own version of the product, choosing the dough, cover and the topping who wish and finally putting an original name by #HackeaTusDonettes web application.
From among all creations made on the web, a jury composed of experts will select the top five, valuing the taste and originality of the name, and one of them will become the new variety of Donettes 2015. The finalists and the winner will be rewarded with prizes
We believe it is a great marketing strategy because somehow they secure the launch of a desired product among consumers, which involve a higher market success.
Also thanks to this strategy saves money because the consumers are who make the effort to think and create a new product.
We believe that this initiative will be very successful for the brand since, has been involved with customers and they will bring to the market a new product and desired by many consumers. What do you think about the future success of new Donette? Do you think that will have this expected success?

1 comentario:

  1. Thank you for posting this interesting new. In our opinion, the idea is good for saving money, however it is an important point to consider that maybe the flavor of the new products is not the expected for the customers.

    So, we think that maybe is good to make the effort to think some ideas and prove if the customers ideas are related with the company one, don't you?
